Lawn Solutions

We provide mowing, trimming, and general lawn care to the residents of Cape Coral, Florida.

The best mowing company in Cape Coral.

Lawn Reaper provides professional lawn services in Cape Coral, Florida. We work hard to be the lawn care company that treats every home like it’s our own and continuously is able to provide exceptional services year round.

How do we do it better. To us – it’s pretty simple. We take care of our team. With better pay, comes a better lifestyle and happyness. Paying our team more than you average lawncare worker plays a major role in maintaining good employees that will treat your home like their own. Our team gets plenty of family time during our dry season and are ready to work through the smothering heat of dreadful summer. We believe a healthy balance of life and work is the road to health, happyness, and personal growth.

Recent Services

Service Plans


The Perfect Mowing Plan: Being sub tropical, and having a dry and wet season – we have made the perfect lawn service package for most all homes in Cape Coral. Cape Coral is sub tropical, and during the rainy season plants and grass grow fast. The remaining months still see growth, but not as fast.

Our reaper 36 plan includes thirty six services annually.

This service plan is great for homes of various grasses such as floritam, bahia, bermuda, st. augustine and other Florida grasses. Great for homes with irrigation or no irrigation.

If your home is one that you prefer full maintenance with flower bed weeds and hedge trimming, the full service plan may suite you.

For a mowing service plan estimate, please fill out the form at the bottom of the page.

Full Service + Edging

Includes mowing, weed eating, blowing & edging

Starting at $125 Monthly

Full Service + Extra

Includes mowing, weed eating, blowing, edging, hedge trimming and weeding

Starting at $150 Monthly

When we show up

Weekly Service
May Through October

Why? It’s rainy season! In the humid sub-tropical environment of Cape Coral, it storms almost everyday May through October. Everything thrives!

Bi-Weekly Service
November, December, and April

Why? These are months when we could still see a few showers, keeping things growing at a medium pace.

Once monthly
January, February, March

Why? These are typically dry months for Cape Coral and southwest Florida. The grass grows, but slower during these months.

What makes us great?

Locally Owned & Operated

Fair & Competitive Pricing

Happy Team

We show up


We add on missed services due to weather

Mowing Estimate

Quick response time!

Do you have irrigation? 

Do you have a fence?

Do you have dogs we need to be aware of before we come?

*Please check all services to include in your estimate:

* After submitting the form above, a service representative will call or email you regarding an estimate. Reap ya soon!